The Construction Industry ecosystem is an example of complexity because of the number
of actors participating and the wideness of all interests to be defended.
Sharing data and records within a safe and reliable repository digital entity allows the
transparent combination and regulation of all contributions from each participant.
Build Trust automatically detects data coming from the construction site
(IOT or other digital management platform) to validate the contractual milestones
(through the information saved into the BIM) and distributing payments and notification
to all the stakeholders

1. The project starts digitalizing the prime contract into Buil Trust, modelling the project,
selecting the milestones and creating the smart contracts.
2. The technical data that validate the contractual milestone are detailed into the BIM,
which must be integrated and mapped into the project model.
These represent the planned information.
3. IOT sources are mapped into the model,
and they will be the bases for the actual monitoring of the progresses
4. Once the platform is setup
the Blockchain is activated to distribute information/payments.
5. At this moment, the project can start and the actual data start arriving to the platform
automatically distilling the relevant information to the ecosystem.